Richie Bolusky, Director of Programming

Richie Bolusky brings vibrant creativity and a deep passion for community building to his role as Director of Programming at Congregation B'nai Emunah. With an background in business and customer relations, Richie has dedicated his career to fostering inclusive and celebratory community experiences.

Richie's approach is deeply informed by his commitment to creating programs that are not only engaging but also reflective of the diverse needs of the synagogue’s members. His work is characterized by a commitment to innovation and a deep respect for the traditions that shape Jewish communal life.

Before joining B'nai Emunah, Richie served in various community-oriented roles across Tulsa, where he developed a reputation for his dynamic event planning and his ability to bring people together across cultural and generational divides. At The Synagogue, he has been instrumental in organizing programs that range from dynamic educational experiences to exciting reinventions of Jewish ritual, each designed to strengthen the bonds of the community while also reaching outward to the broader Tulsa area.

Richie’s programming philosophy centers on the idea that every member of the community has a unique contribution to make. His work is driven by a vision of a synagogue that is not only a house of worship but also a vibrant hub of learning, friendship, and mutual support.